OSSI Membership
The OSSI welcomes all bariatric surgeons, and supporting physicians involved in obesity and metabolic surgery. Bariatric physicians, Internal Medicine
specialists, Endocrinologists, Anaesthesiologists, Paediatricians, Geriatricians, Gastroenterologists and any other medical and surgical specialist interested
in obesity management can apply for integrated membership. Para-medical specialists including Nutritionists, Psychologists, Physical therapists, and Integrated
health professionals are also encouraged to be a part of the integrated membership.
Fully completed applications will be processed within 2-3 working days after you had uploaded the required documentation. Membership fees should have been
received before the application is forwarded to the committee for approval as per the categories of membership:
Surgeon Member - Life membership: Rs. 15000/-
- Surgeon practicing and committed to Bariatric Surgery can apply for full membership.
- IFSO membership has to be renewed annually for $ 40/150 for soft or hard copy respectively.
- Bariatric Surgery Journal only subscription: Rs.3500 for online and Rs.11000 for hard copy and online (annually).
- Reduced fee for registration at the Annual congress of OSSI & World Congress of IFSO.
- This member will have voting rights and attend the annual general body meetings.
Integrated Member - Life Membership of OSSI: Rs. 5000/-
- Physician Specialist i.e. Endocrinologist, Diabetologist, Radiologist, Pulmonologist, Bariatric Physician, Cosmetic surgeon etc can apply for integrated Membership
- Postgraduate students in surgery will be eligible to apply for integrated membership with a covering letter from the respective head of the department
- Para-medical specialists i.e. Nutritionist, Psychologist, Physical Trainer, Researcher, etc. can also submit the application for integrated membership.
- The Integrated members will have a reduced fee for registration for the annual congress of OSSI and IFSO.
- This member will have no voting rights.
Membership Benefits Includes:
- A downloadable official OSSI Certificate of Membership
- Use of the website for member activities and e-learning
- Reduced subscription rate to "Bariatric Surgery " journal
- Links to IFSO international society website
- Reduced entrance fees to international, national and affiliated regional meetings by OSSI and IFSO
- Regular e-newsletters on various topics pertaining to bariatric surgery
Additional Benefits For Surgeon Members:
- Membership in IFSO professional global network
- Use of surgical registry on the website
- Apply for Center of Excellence & Fellowship in Bariatric Surgery course
- Eligibility to contest for executive council
Applicant should have the following documents ready before proceeding to apply:
- Soft copies of all certificates of academic qualifications & registration of medical councils
- Soft copy of passport size photograph in colour
- Details of your work experience and any bariatric training that you had undergone
- Credit / Debit card / NetBanking details to complete the payment and to activate auto-debit facility for journal subscription
- Soft copy of sponsorship letter
- Curriculum vitae