
Clinical Research

OSSI is at the forefront of supporting clinical research in bariatric and metabolic surgery within the Indian medical landscape and around the globe. OSSI plays a pivotal role in advancing this specialized field by facilitating research collaborations and knowledge dissemination.

OSSI provides a platform for surgeons, researchers, and healthcare professionals to come together through clinical research, multicentric studies and Registry data publications. Such support encourages the exchange of insights, fostering innovation in bariatric and metabolic surgery. Furthermore, OSSI also promotes developing consensus statements, clinical pathways, and standards. OSSI's commitment to clinical research ultimately helps improve patient care, fosters medical innovation, and contributes to the better understanding and management of obesity and metabolic conditions in India. OSSI actively advocates for research funding at both institutional and technical levels, ensuring that financial resources are allocated to vital clinical investigations.

OSSI at present is funding three multicentric studies:

  1. Title: 30-day Morbidity and Mortality of Revisional Bariatric Surgery- An International MultiCenter Collaborative (BROAD) Study.
    Primary Investigator: Dr. Amrit Nasta, Wockhardt Hospitals, Mumbai.
    The Study: An international steering group of bariatric surgeons from four countries invited bariatric surgeons globally to participate in this study. Ethical approval was obtained at the lead study centre. Collaborators were asked to follow their regulatory requirements for participating in this study. The primary end point of the study was 30- day morbidity and mortality of revisional bariatric surgery. Data were collected on all consecutive revisional bariatric surgery patients meeting the inclusion/ exclusion criteria at the respective participating centres.
  2. Title: Safety & Efficacy of Sleeve Gastrectomy with Sleeve-Jejunal bypass: an advantage over other bypass procedures- A MultiCenter Collaborative Study.
    Investigators: Dr. Sure Ugale, Kirloskar & Virinchi Hospitals; Hyderabad Dr.Raj Palaniappan, Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
    The Study: This 3 year prospective study will be carried out in 111 patients who underwent Sleeve plus Sleeve-jejunal bypass at two centers from January 2017 to February 2022. Primary outcome is weight loss and secondary outcomes are changes in components of metabolic syndrome and correlation with limb lengths.
  3. Title: OSSI Nutrition Study: an Advantage over other Bypass procedures- A MultiCenter Collaborative Study.
    Primary Investigator: Dr. Vivek Bindal, Max Super speciality Hospitals; Hyderabad
    The Study: This 10 year retrospective observational study is multicenter study from various Bariatric Centre of Excellences across India aimed at nutritional outcomes after bariatric surgery specific to Indian patients and to arrive at National OSSI guidelines for Bariatric Surgical Nutrition


The Research plan document should contain information in the following format and should be uploaded at the end of the application.


A concise overview of the proposed research.

Background :

A section that covers the problem's context, its significance, previous studies, and any preliminary work by the investigator


A succinct statement outlining the research question or premise.


Section describing data collection, analysis methods, and the research model. Specify the number of patients, experiments, or observations for hypothesis testing with power analysis.


Complete the budget worksheet in the application form, with a maximum grant request of ₹ 5 Lakhs. The final allotted grant will be at the discretion of the OSSI executive committee. Upon allocation of funds, initial 50% funds will be transferred after full IRB approval. Include a milestone description for the allocation of remaining funds.


List scientific references if relevant.

IRB Approval:

Required for human studies, and animal care committee approval for animal research. Approval in principle is acceptable at the application stage, with documented IRB approval needed before funding.

Available Resources:

Provide a list of equipment, facilities, personnel, and services involved in the project. Include funding sources for all investigators. Include letters of cooperation if applicable. Describe animal care facilities when used.

Future Funding Plans:

Discuss short-term (1-2 year) and long-term (5 year) career development plans in bariatric research, including continuation funding for this line of investigation.

Curriculum Vitae:

Submit a Curriculum Vitae for the Principal Investigator, Co-PI, and other co-investigators (if available) in one document. Upload the CV at the end of the application.


Indirect Costs Policy: OSSI research grant funds are for seed money only; no indirect costs are allowed. Distinguish between direct and indirect costs, with direct costs covering project-specific expenses and indirect costs representing institutional overhead charges.

Submission Method: Grants should be submitted via online. You'll receive confirmation of receipt within 24-48 hours; if not, contact OSSI for verification.

Click here to apply for Research Grant online

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