All New Integrated Platform

20 Oct 2023

The OSSI is thrilled to announce the launch of our innovative integrated Member Management, Virtual Academy, and Learning Management website platform. This cutting-edge system represents a significant leap forward in how we serve our members and the broader medical community.

Our integrated member management tool offers a user-friendly interface for our members. It simplifies membership administration, providing easy access to personal profiles, event registrations, and seamless communication with fellow professionals. This integrated system fosters stronger connections among practitioners in the dynamic field of bariatric surgery.

The Virtual Academy is the cornerstone of our commitment to continuous learning and professional development. This immersive online platform hosts an extensive library of resources, webinars, and courses, making it effortless for members to stay abreast of the latest advancements in bariatric surgery. The Virtual Academy is a dynamic space for sharing knowledge, expertise, and best practices, promoting collaboration within the community.

Our Learning Management System takes education and skill development to new heights. Members can explore the popular bariatric surgery surgery fellowship (FMBS) and integrated care certificate (CICO) courses, track their progress, and earn certifications, ensuring they maintain the highest standards of competence in the field of bariatric surgery.

Additional benefits include direct member links to our “Journal of Bariatric Surgery”, “National Bariatric Surgery Registry” and “Centre of Excellence”, all of which form a major part of the Association’s commitment towards development of evidence based super speciality practice.

This comprehensive website platform consolidates all aspects of our association's activities, streamlining operations, and enhancing member engagement. By creating a one-stop hub for collaboration, education, and professional growth, OSSI reaffirms its commitment to excellence in patient care and the advancement of bariatric surgery. We invite you to join us on this exciting journey towards a brighter and more informed future for the field of bariatric and metabolic surgery.